Hinson Block 2 Govt-S1 Assignments

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Friday Sept 10 Assignment in Google Classroom

Friday Sept 10 Assignment

You are going to get the backstory of the World Trade Center. This involves the creation of the towers, the multiple threats to the towers, and events leading up to 9/11/01.

Use the link below, or click on the link attached in the assignment on Google Classroom. Complete the attached questions 

Do NOT copy and paste from the website. You are learning how to paraphrase, annotate, form opinions, and if you use direct quotations you MUST cite your work.


Wednesday Sept 8 and Thursday Sept 9 Assignments in Google Classroom

Wednesday Sept 8 and Thursday Sept 9 Assignments

Use the PPT in materials to complete the notes. 

You must also complete the Map. You must label, color (highlight) and include 1 characteristic for each colony


Unit 1 Review/Study Guide (complete AFTER 1.7 NOTES) in Google Classroom

Unit 1 Review/Study Guide (complete AFTER 1.7 NOTES)

Use your notes to complete the study guide


**Unit 1 EXAM** in Google Classroom

**Unit 1 EXAM**

Read questions carefully! Be sure to answer the FIRST Question (Asking for your first and last name)
PLEASE NOTE: If you close out of the exam before you finish, it WILL NOT SAVE! You will have to start over!!


Tuesday August 31 Assignments in Google Classroom

Tuesday August 31 Assignments

Use the PPT in Materials to complete the Student notes below.


Create Your Own Govt in Google Classroom

Create Your Own Govt

Using what we learned about the various forms of government, you will create your own Country Government, using this as your rubric.

Make sure the type of government you create is accurate. 
(For example, if you create a dictatorship, you can't say that you allow people to pick their leader, or have a representative democracy.)


Monday August 30 Assignments in Google Classroom

Monday August 30 Assignments

Complete today's student notes (just 1.6) using the PPT found under Materials. 

After the notes, students will need to log on to Achieve3000 and complete the assigned reading activity.  If you have not yet used Achieve3000 in one of your other classes this school year, it will force you to level set first before you can complete the assignment.  
To get to Achieve3000, you will do the following:
1) Go to the BHS Website
2) Click on the Students Tab
3) Click on "Clever Sign-on"
4) Click "Log in with Clever" (DO NOT sign in with Google)
5) Your username is your PIN number and your password is "mm/dd/yyyy" (use the forward slashes)
6) Click on the Achieve3000 app
7) It will either have you level set or take you to a home page where you should see an assigned reading for my class.  The assigned reading I want you to complete is titled Three Worlds Meet: Celebrating St. Augustine