BHS Alma Mater/Fight Song
BHS Alma Mater
Within Glynn's marshes proudly stands,
Beneath the blue - on golden sands,
Our beloved Brunswick High,
For whom devotion cannot die.
Thy traditions we shall bear,
With growing honor, pride, and care.
Ever cherished we shall hold,
The glory of the blue and gold.
The Pirate's emblem shall convey
The might with which we work and play,
And ever sacred we shall keep
The lessons, victories, and defeats.
Brunswick High School, we salute
As we now pay a proud tribute,
Ever cherished we shall hold,
The glory of the blue and gold.
Words by Beth Inman Jordan
BHS Fight Song
We're the mighty Brunswick Pirates.
We're the blue and gold.
We will give it all we've got cause,
We're the brave and bold.
We will stay right in there fighting.
Until we make that score.
We will stand and fight for victory
Now and evermore.