Szokoly Period3-2022-S1 Assignments

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10/27 Federal Budget Comparison in Google Classroom

10/27 Federal Budget Comparison

Look at the Federal Budget Pie Chart on the link below.

1. If you had to choose three categories to reduce spending in what would they be and why?
2. If you had to choose three categories you could add to what would they be and why?
3. If you click on the + sign underneath the pie chart on the different categories it will elaborate on how money is spent in those different categories. Pick three and write down what the big expenses are in that category (Pick three).


10/14 Inflation Article in Google Classroom

10/14 Inflation Article

Read the following article about inflation and answer the following questions.

1. How much has inflation grown in the last year? 

2. What is driving up wages right now? 

3. What impact has this inflation had on Social Security?

4. Supply chains are having difficulty keeping up with production. What part in particular is there a major shortage of that is preventing the production of cars, computers, and other technology products?


9/10 Joe's Demand for Coffee in Google Classroom

9/10 Joe's Demand for Coffee


9/7 Demand Vocabulary due Monday 9/13 in Google Classroom

9/7 Demand Vocabulary due Monday 9/13

This week, since the set of terms are incredibly short, I'd like for everyone to do two sets of activities to turn in in-person on Monday 9/13, although we will take the vocabulary quiz on Friday. 

Reminder that all vocabulary should be handwritten unless cleared with me otherwise first.

The terms can be found in the same location as the others. Quizlet  --> esgrady --> Demand


9/9 Joe's Demand for Pizza Activity in Google Classroom

9/9 Joe's Demand for Pizza Activity

Either print, or edit the pdf to draw out the following Demand Curves and show how they would shift.


9/7 Extra Credit Writing Prompt in Google Classroom

9/7 Extra Credit Writing Prompt

Read the following prompt and respond (size 12 font) for extra credit. 


9/7 Test Corrections Turned in Here in Google Classroom

9/7 Test Corrections Turned in Here

Sorry, I didn't give you a place to submit the test corrections. You can attach your Google Doc with the corrections to this assignment and submit it. Thanks


9/2 Unit 1 Fundamentals Test in Google Classroom

9/2 Unit 1 Fundamentals Test

Reminder: The testing window will close at 2:00pm in which case, barring any medical excuses, any makeup tests will be administered on Tuesday and in written form so please submit by 2pm. 


Unit 1 Fundamentals Study Guide in Google Classroom

Unit 1 Fundamentals Study Guide

I have attached a copy of the study guide for our first unit test which will be next Wednesday 9/1. A completed study guide will count as five extra credit points on the test. Also, don't forget that I need all vocabulary activities by Friday when we take our vocabulary quiz.


8/31 Classwork in Google Classroom

8/31 Classwork

1. Watch the wealth inequality in America video.
2. Read the Industrial Revolution article. To answer the questions, students will either need to edit the pdf or create a new Google Doc to attach to it. The Industrial Revolution was vital for the development of Free-Market Capitalism as we see it today so it is important to look at these changes before we begin to discuss it. 
3. Continue work on the Study Guide for the test on Thursday.


Virtual Class Expectations Information in Google Classroom

Virtual Class Expectations Information

Please read the following page and sign at the bottom and hit submit to show that you have read and understand the expectations for our virtual classes. This will  be for a grade.


8/17 Michigan v Oregon  in Google Classroom

8/17 Michigan v Oregon

Here we are looking at opportunity costs of building a factory in either Michigan or Oregon. If you have any questions about the activity feel free to email me at [email protected]


8/18 SSEF 1,2,3 Vocabulary Quiz in Google Classroom

8/18 SSEF 1,2,3 Vocabulary Quiz

Sorry everyone, I don't know why it posted to two of my classes but not the other. Here is the vocabulary quiz. I will leave it open until 4pm.