Maus/Night Day 10

Maus/Night Day 10
10/20/2020, 8:00 AM 10:00 AM

Opening (I Do)
An engaging process for lesson introduction that is specifically planned to encourage equitable and purposeful student participation. Describe the instructional process that will be used to introduce the lesson.
TKES 1, 2, 3,4,5, 8,10

Standard/s: RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL5
Learning Target:
I can read and understand a memoir and how it connects to historical events.
I can understand how the characters help create the plot
I can see the cause and effect relationship that produces each stage of the plot.
I can fully describe the characters using literary vocabulary.
I can explain the plot and its conflicts.
I can identify figurative language in the text.

Success Criteria:
I can find key events that cause the plot to develop.
I can pick out imagery that helps to build the mood.
I can pick out examples of dire/indirect characterization.
How is the war effecting our main character(s)
After reading, we will fill out the characterization chart together and talk about how the war and Auschwitz are leaving their mark on the characters.
Work Period (We Do, You Do)
Students learning by doing/demonstrating learning expectations. Describe the instructional process that will be used to engage the students in the work period.
TKES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. 8,10

GUIDED PRACTICE: Night, Finish pg. 89-

Together, listening & reading we determine the key events that turn into the rising action in the plot. Consistent classroom discussion around the novel.
Students answer comprehension questions about the text.
Closing (We Check)
Describe the instructional process that will be used to close the lesson and check for student understanding .
TKES : 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8


Students share which questions they were unsure about and we discussed the answers together.

As a group create a graphic organizer comparing the stories.

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