Lesson plans for 11/27
- What
- Lesson plans for 11/27
- When
- 11/27/2023, 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
Course/ Subject/Unit: Pre Ap Literature/Composition
Date of Instruction: 11/27/23
ELAGSE9-10RI5: Analyze in detail how an author’sideas or claims are developed and refined by particularsentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text (e.g., a section or chapter).
ELAGSE9-10RI6: Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose.
Learning Target:
read closely and analyze the development of an argument
explain how rhetorical features contribute to effect and meaning
explain how a writer uses narration to accomplish a purpose
Success Criteria:
Creating descriptive outlines
Writing public service announcement scripts
Activities & Assignments
Class will begin with a prompt regarding the titles of our previous reading material. What differences do you see between them?
The instructor will conduct a quick discussion over the expectations of the essay from the title alone. The instructor will then read the essay aloud. The instructor will then conduct another short discussion. In what ways is this essay different? How is the essay attempt to persuade rather than simply communicate experience?
Define “idle.”
Together we will search for the article’s introduction. We will also create a reaction chart to the intro and what it attempts to convey.