Lesson plans for August 21st

Lesson plans for August 21st
8/21/2024, 8:00 AM 9:00 AM

Standard(s): 9TC1b; 9TC2b; 9TSS2c; 9TT1a-c; 9TRA1c
Standard(s): 9.T.C.1.a Use knowledge of texts’ distinct disciplinary, personal, or technical purposes to aid comprehension. 9.T.C.1.b Assess the impact of context and language on a text’s reception by the audience. 9.T.C.2.d Synthesize information from a variety of credible sources used to research the answers to questions on academic and individual topics of interest. 9.T.SS.2.c Use formal or informal style, as appropriate to audience, purpose, and context. (C)9.T.T.1.a Describe how narrative techniques (including archetypes, multiple perspectives, plot structure, and symbolism) interact, using textual evidence. 9.T.T.1.c Analyze how a text’s theme has social relevance and is developed across a text, comparing passages within and across texts, providing both reasoning and supportive textual evidence. 9.T.T.1.e Effectively apply a variety of narrative techniques to develop complex character(s) who change, use setting to create mood, develop an idea or theme across the text, achieve specific purposes, engage audiences, and enhance writing. 9.T.T.2 **Expository Techniques** Evaluate and apply expository techniques to enhance text’s appeal to audiences or achieve specific purposes.
LT: We are learning to identify the distinct purpose of a text to enhance comprehension.
We are learning to evaluate how context and language influence audience reception of a text.
We are learning to synthesize information from credible sources on a given topic.
We are learning to select and apply an appropriate writing style based on audience and purpose.
We are learning to describe how narrative techniques interact with examples from the text.
We are learning to analyze the development of a theme's social relevance using textual evidence.
We are learning to apply various narrative techniques to create complex characters and develop themes.
We are learning to evaluate and apply expository techniques to enhance writing effectiveness.
I can annotate texts.
I can actively participate in academic conversations in my group and with my class.
I can identify and analyze details in a picture.
I can conduct brief research from credible sources.
I can write analytical sentences.
Lesson/Activity: Bellringer; Pre-AP 1.2 “Bread”
Resources: Collegeboard Pre-AP

Begin with Achieve Article on Elie Wiesel. Students will begin class with a discussion on the nature of tyranny. What is it? Why is it still so common? What can be done to promote freedom and justice in our world today?

The instructor will then begin with a read aloud of Margaret Atwood’s “Bread.” Students will be instructed to pay special attention to the settings invoked and the nature of “Bread” as the story moves.

After a short discussion exploring Atwood’s ideas, students will break into groups to closer analyze the particular sections of Bread. Groups will be provided with a detailed hand out to track their conversation and prepare for a short presentation of their findings. How does this story connect to Elie Wiesel?

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