
All students at Brunswick High School are assigned to a school counselor. Counselor assignments are done by grade level. To contact your child’s counselor, please email the counselor or call the school at (912)267-4200 and enter the appropriate extension. The fax number is (912) 280-6756
Office Hours: Monday through Friday
7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Our Brunswick High School Counselors
Class of 2025
Mrs. April Kelly - Office ext. 6203
Class of 2027:
Mrs. Rachel Kernes-Office ext. 6189
Class of 2028 A-K / Mental Health
Shanika Walker - Office ext. 6200
Class of 2028 L-Z / Mental Health
Mrs. Lisa Zachry - Office ext. 6197
Mrs. Kathie Bullion - Secretary - Office ext. 6202