Cohort 2028 (L-Z)
Welcome Class of 2028! I am so excited to work with you all this school year. The students that I will serve will be Cohort 2028 (Last name L-Z) and I will serve as a Mental Health Counselor.
The dismissal time for the 2024-2025 school year is 3:20pm.
Free lunch is provided to all students for the 2024-2025 school year.
Lisa C. Zachry
School Counselor
Cohort 2028 (L-Z)
M.ED (Master in Education) School Counseling-University of Southwest
BSW (Bachelor's in Social Work) University of Georgia
Brunswick High School
3885 Altama Avenue
Brunswick, GA. 31520
912-267-4200 Ext. 6197
Mrs. Lisa Zachry
Welcome Pirate Nation!
Lisa C. Zachry
School Counselor
Cohort 2028 (L-Z)
M.ED (Masters in Education) School Counseling University of the Southwest
BSW (Bachelor's in Social Work) University of Georgia
Brunswick High School
3885 Altama Avenue
Brunswick, GA. 31520
912-267-4200 Ext. 6197