Welcome students and parents!

Ahoy Pirates! I am a science educator of 11 years with a genuine interest in inspiring students to explore STEM in their everyday life! I received my undergraduate degree in Marine Biology from the University of West Florida in 2008 and a Master of Education in Secondary Education from the University of Guam in 2016. Being a military spouse of 20 years has allowed me to explore the world and teach students with diverse backgrounds. I have taught Biology in Missouri, Marine Biology and Physical Science in Guam, AP Environmental Science, Chemistry, and 6th-8th grade science at two Department of Defense schools in Germany. We moved to Brunswick in 2020 and I am very excited to be teaching Biology and adding on AP Environmental Science this school year! I am also co-coaching the Science Olympiad team while serving as the SAT/ACT coordinator for the school. I am really looking forward to sharing my love of science with you (or your child) this school year.
Let's have a great school year Pirates!
![]() Ms. Gena Wynn
Secondary Science Educator
B.S. in Marine Biology
University of West Florida
M.S. in Secondary Education
University of Guam
School Year 2024-2025
1st: Biology
2nd: Planning
3rd: AP Environmental Science
4th: Biology
Tutoring: Mon - Weds from 3:30 - 4:00
Brunswick High School
3885 Altama Ave.
Brunswick, GA 31520
Classroom 2586
912-267-4200 ext. 6131