Raynor Nelson » Algebra: Concepts & Connections Syllabus

Algebra: Concepts & Connections Syllabus

Algebra: Concepts and Connections

Coach Nelson – Room 2510

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 912-267-4200 ext. 6311

Brunswick High School

School Year 2024-2025

Course Description

In Algebra: Concepts & Connections, instructional time should regularly incorporate the 8 Mathematical Practices, the Framework for Statistical Reasoning, and the Mathematical Modeling Framework through four big ideas of content: (1) numerical reasoning, (2) functional & graphical reasoning, (3) patterning and algebraic reasoning, and (4) geometric and spatial reasoning. This course is designed as the first course in a three-course series. Students will apply their algebraic and geometric reasoning skills to make sense of problems involving algebra, geometry, bivariate data, and statistics. This course focuses on algebraic, quantitative, geometric, graphical, and statistical reasoning. In this course, students will continue to enhance their algebraic reasoning skills when analyzing and applying a deep understanding of linear functions, sums and products of rational and irrational numbers, systems of linear inequalities, distance, midpoint, slope, area, perimeter, nonlinear equations and functions, quadratic expressions, equations and functions, exponential expressions, equations, and functions, and statistical reasoning. The identified prerequisite for this course is Grade 8 Mathematics.

Algebra Units

Unit 1: Modeling Linear Functions

Unit 2: Analyzing Linear Inequalities

Unit 3: Investigating Rational and Irrational Numbers

Unit 4: Modeling and Analyzing Quadratic Functions

Unit 5: Modeling and Analyzing Exponential Expressions and Equations

Unit 6: Analyzing Exponential Functions

Unit 7: Investigating Data

Unit 8: Algebraic Connections to Geometric Connections

Unit 9: Culminating Capstone Unit


  • School ID (EVERYDAY!!)
  • 1½ or 2 inch ring binder
  • Paper
  • Pencils (NO PENS!!)
  • Graph Paper
  • Desmos calculator (free web-based)
  • 7-8 Dividers

Grading Scale

The following are county determined grade weights for this class. One credit can be earned with successful completion of this class: the 9th grade mathematics credit (GSE Algebra I grade).

Algebra C & C








End of Course Exam/Final Exam/Midterm



The primary purpose of homework is to provide practice for you.  To help ensure that you actually do the practice, I will check homework the day after it is assigned for completeness, unless instructed otherwise.  

Make-Up Work

Make-up work is the student’s responsibility.  Three Days of make-up time is allowed to complete assignments for each day absent.  All work can be located in the google classroom.   If you have trouble locating the assignment, please email me that day.  If you are absent during a quiz/test, you must make arrangements with me within three days.  I will not allow you to take the quiz/test the day you return during class since you will then miss instruction.  Missed quizzes or tests must be made up before/after school or during lunch.

Test Dates:


Pre-Test:  8/12

Benchmark:  10/21

End Benchmark:  3/25-3/29 Tentative


Mid-Term Exam



End Of Course Test


There are no retakes on tests or quizzes.


Below is a list that will be the core resources that we will use in Algebra I.

Desmos, Progress Learning, IXL, Delta Math, Google Classroom, Edilo, GimKit, Savvas, Albert.IO, Quizizz, Blooket

End of Course Test

All students are required to take an End of Course Test for Algebra I.  There are no exemptions to this as this is a State mandated requirement. There will be two parts to the End of Course Test. The first part will be taken on May TBD.  The End of Course Test will count as 30% of your overall final grade for this course.

Classroom Rules and Expectations (See What We Do Contract)

  1. Be respectful at all times!  This encompasses many expectations, which we will further discuss as a class.
  2. Come to class on time and prepared with the materials you need to work and be successful.
  3. Do not interrupt the class.  When I am talking, it is my turn.  If and when you have something to say, raise your hand and wait until you are designated to speak.
  4. While you are permitted to bring electronic devices to school, their use will NOT be permitted in the classroom. This means they should not be used, heard or seen while in my class. They will be placed in the calculator holder at the front of the room.
  5. NO FOOD or DRINKS in the classroom.  I will allow you to have water but it must be in a clear and closable container.  This is the ONLY exception!
  6. MAKE UP WORK IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!  Please check the designated location for missed handouts and with your friends and classmates for missed notes or assignments.

Consequences of Misconduct

  • Verbal Warning
  • Call home
  • Referral to Administrator

**Severe disruptions will go immediately to an administrator.**

Exam Exemptions

  • Final Exams will be given on May 22nd and 23rd.  If a student has fewer than 5 absences per semester, above an 80 in the class, and has no behavior referrals, then they will be allowed to exempt finals on the last day of school for that class in which they meet the requirements. 

Cheating (Student Honor Code)

Cheating can be defined in many ways.  The following list represents some forms of cheating that will be dealt with:

  • Taking information of any form into a test situation for the purpose of responding to test items or for the purpose of assisting others in responding to test items.
  • Plagiarism
  • Copying assignments, including homework, book reports, or other work which will be assigned a grade.
  • Giving or taking information concerning a test after one individual has taken a test and the same form of test is to be given in another classroom situation.
  • Talking during test situations, accessing the internet to look up answers or vocabulary, or exchange of information during a test situation.