Jason Vaughn » Rules, Procedures, and Expectations

Rules, Procedures, and Expectations

Mr. Vaughn’s Rules

  1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  2. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
  3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
  4. No cursing or teasing.
  5. All other rules listed in Student Handbook will also apply.



Classroom Expectations

  1. Entering the classroom- Students will enter classroom quietly and begin their assignments.
  2. When you are tardy- Students’ accounts will reflect the tardy, as tardy and they will receive the necessary punishment for the infraction.
  3. Leaving the classroom- Students will need a pass anytime during instructional time, even if a student is called out to report to an administrator. The teacher will write out the appropriate pass for the hallway.
  4. End-of-period class dismissal- Students will check to make sure their work area is clean and all material is turned in (calculators) or put away (student portfolios). Students will not leave any personal items in the classroom at any time including before school, after school, and during lunch. Students are responsible for their own personal items. Students will quietly leave the classroom upon the Teacher dismissal of the class.
  5. Listening to and responding to questions- Students are not permitted to talk, if a student has a question, they are to approach the teacher’s desk, and wait quietly for their turn to present their question.
  6. When you need a pencil or paper- Student are responsible for their own material in class, if you do not have the proper material, you may have to go without, students are not allowed to walk around the room and ask other students for materials. This creates a classroom disturbance.
  7. Sharpening your pencil- Students are allowed to sharpen their own pencil, students are to go directly to the sharpener and then return to their seat without disturbing others.
  8. When someone knocks- The Teacher or designated student will open the door and address any problems or concerns.
  9. If the phone should ring- The Teacher will answer the phone and address the caller.
  10. An emergency alert- The Teacher and Students will follow the appropriate emergency plan. Students will remain quite and listen to the teacher directions.
  11. Keeping your portfolio- Students are responsible for getting a notebook and keeping up with all contents of that notebook.
  12. Homework/Assignments- Students are to complete all assignments to the best of their ability. Students who are caught cheating on homework and other assignments will receive a zero for the assignment and will be required to complete supplemental work.
  13. Quizzes/Test- Student will work independently unless otherwise instructed on all assessments.
  14. Electronics- Personal electronics are not to be powered on any time during the class day, unless the teacher give instructions to power on any such device.






If a student violates any of these rules or expectations, listed in syllabus or any other school rules, expectations, and/or procedures, the student will be faced with the following consequences. This list is the usual course of action, but this course maybe altered as seen fit by teacher or administration.




  1. First offense, student and teacher will have a conference about the behavior.
  2. Second offense, parent will be called about the offense.
  3. Third offense, will result in an after school detention for the student.
  4. Forth offense will result in a referral to guidance to request a conference with the parent about the student’s behavior.
  5. Fifth offense will result in a referral to the administrator.