Bonita Tanner » Edgenuity Need to Knows:

Edgenuity Need to Knows:

Edgenuity Need to Knows

Grades for Edgenuity Classes


Edgenuity grades are not reported daily in Infinite Campus. Edgenuity sends progress reports out weekly through the parent portal.


If a parent would like to receive a weekly progress report please send me an email address and I will forward it to my department chair, Mrs. Hickey and she will enter it into the Edgenuity Parent Portal.


Reading a progress report from Edgenuity.

Overall Grade is the current grade on work completed in the class so far.

Actual Grade is the grade on all work that is due up to the date the report was sent.


If a student is completely on track these grade will match or be identical. If a student is not on track the grades will not match. The Actual Grade will be lower because it averages zeros in for all assignments that are missing that have not been completed and should have been completed.


Grades for Edgenuity are reported in Infinite Campus every 4.5 weeks.


Guide to Edgenuity:


Prescriptive tests are given in some classes to see how much you know. Take your time and do not look up any answers as it will result in a 0. It is not a grade, it is the % that is removed from the class. Remember you are in here for a reason, so do not become an instant genius. 


Pre-tests are tests to see what you know. If you cheat on these you will lose your privilege to have them. You do not get checks on them. 


View the instruction and assignment videos as this is the way you receive the information in each lesson as if you were sitting in class. DO NOT JUST CLICK THROUGH THEM. 


Answer the questions but you have to pay attention to the videos and take notes so you get the answers correct.


If you rush through the instructions and assignments and fail them I WILL RESET THEM which will take you longer to finish the class. You have to know the material and if you know you failed it, ask me to reset it. You have to make a 70 or above on the quizzes.


Use your notes and the e-notes in Edgenuity for the quizzes ONLY!!!


You are given one check on practices, quizzes and tests. You have to make a 70 or above on each.


After the one check,  if you are close, let me be the one to help you get it done instead of you looking it up on your phone which is cheating.


Please turn in your phones for the prescriptive and unit tests. You will be allowed to get it back after the test provided that you do not abuse your privilege. Your phone will need to be turned in daily if you abuse the privilege.


You have to do this class and an elective because you normally would be in an elective class and if you do not finish you will be a credit short. 


Just need to clear a few things up


Honor Code - This must be sent through the Edgenuity email to your teacher for the class you want a test unlocked.


Please send all other communication through your school google email. Edgenuity does not notify the teacher that we have mail. 


If you are having issues with test locking back up before you can take them and the teacher keeps telling you they unlocked it. Go out to the Edgenuity home page before asking for an unlock, stay there until the teacher tells you the test is unlocked. Edgenuity does NOT like it when you just refresh the screen. I will sometimes move you backwards to stuff you have already completed or immediately relock test.