Kathleen Peevy » Expectations, Policies, & Procedures

Expectations, Policies, & Procedures

I believe that all students should have the opportunity to learn. My duty is to give you the best education possible, and my responsibility is to create a positive classroom environment. Below you will find my expectations for you during this semester to help make this happen in my classroom.

Cell Phone Policy: Students will put their phones in the correct # phone pocket at the front of the room. This number will be assigned by Mrs. Peevy. There is a charging station by the phone pocket free for students to use, and this policy will be enforced during instructional time. If a student does not have a cell phone, or if parents/guardians would rather their student store his/her phone in his/her book bag, please request that on the syllabus sign-off sheet or send me an email. However, if Mrs. Peevy sees a cell phone being used at an inappropriate time, she will issue 1 verbal warning. Further failure to comply will result in teacher/administrator confiscation until the end of the class period. 



  1. Consistently model respect for others and the classroom: please do not use vulgar language and discuss any topic that would make your classmates or myself feel uncomfortable. Respect others’ property. Avoid touching or writing on anything that does not belong to you (including desks, textbooks, teacher’s belongings, walls, whiteboard, etc.). Please pick-up after yourself. 
  2. Put all electronic devices away by the time the tardy bell rings. Every student is expected to store their cell phone in the phone caddy at the front of the room. Failure to do so will result in a deduction from work ethic grades.
  3. Communicate openly and honestly with the teacher. If you are experiencing something that will negatively impact your performance in my class, please let me know so I can work with you and help you find a solution. Be truthful about your intentions and actions, especially when questioned.
  4. Always do your best work by appropriately participating in classroom activities. I expect you to put forth your best effort in my class; classroom disruptions, sleeping in class, or any other behaviors that limit your ability to complete my class will not be tolerated. Do not distract others; if you want to limit your future by not paying attention in class then please do so at your own risk.
  5. Adhere to the policies and procedures outlined for you in the Brunswick High School Student Handbook, including, but not limited to, dress code, wearing your student ID, and conducting yourself appropriately.


  1. Cell phones: phones should be on silent and stored in the assigned pocket on the phone caddy at the front of the room at the beginning of class every day. Failure to comply will result in loss of Work Ethic points and possible confiscation/referral.
  2. Leaving Class: students must receive permission from the teacher before leaving the classroom, no exceptions. The class will have one 5-minute opportunity to use the restroom and get water. After this break, no one will be allowed to leave class.
  3. Chromebooks: each student will have a number assigned to him/her/them that corresponds to both the cell phone caddy and a Chromebook. Students are expected to put their Chromebooks back into the correct slot and reattach the charger.
  4. Classroom Door: for safety reasons, students are not permitted to line up at the door before dismissal or open the door for a visitor.
  5. Environment: my classroom is my home, and it is a safe place for everyone. Please do not enter my desk area, open my filing cabinets and closet, or touch/lean up against my bulletin boards. Please do not touch the thermostat. If you are hot or cold, let me know, and I will adjust it.
  6. Missing Work: students have 1 week to make up any missing work starting the day they come back to school. After 1 week, missing work will not be accepted unless the student and teacher make an arrangement. All missing work will be documented in Infinite Campus.